March 30, 2017
Today we're excited to announce that Tollsmart has partnered with Bestpass, Inc. to provide access to our industry-leading web toll calculator to over a quarter of a million truckers.
(View the Bestpass press release)
The Tollsmart Toll Calculator calculates toll costs across any routes in the US and Canada and works just like Google Maps, providing up to two alternate routes to make it easy to quickly find the optimal route. The service also displays detailed toll information, including the transponders and methods of payment accepted at each tolling facility along the route.

Soon after we launched the initial version of our toll calculator for passenger vehicles the trucking community began clamoring for a version that supports tractor trailers and other large trucks, and so in the fall of 2015 we released a version that supports commercial vehicles up to 9-axles in size. The response has been overwhelming as thousands of truckers embraced the simplicity and ease-of-use of the interface and accuracy of the toll calculations.
Along the way we met with many companies that provide related services to the trucking, fleet management and transportation industries, including Bestpass, a fast-growing company with nearly 4,000 customers representing over 250,000 truckers. Headquartered in Albany, NY, Bestpass was founded by the Trucking Association of New York and provides nationwide streamlined toll management services, including consolidated billing, volume discounts and violations processing. Bestpass will be providing customers with access to our toll calculator within their customer web portal located at
As part of the relationship we've also integrated Bestpass volume discounts into the web version of our toll calculator for trucks so that drivers, owner-operators and carriers can quickly see how much money they can save using the Bestpass services (see below).

We're thrilled to be working with another innovative and fast-growing company that shares a common mission around helping commercial fleets and drivers make smarter transportation decisions, and look forward to working with Bestpass to explore new ways of bringing value to this audience.
Happy Driving!
Jim & Leo@Tollsmart
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